Thursday, March 24, 2011


My previous posts have all been deleted. Thus in order to NOT make my blog look so empty, I shall post about my KBox experience with my Taekwondo friends today.


Quite an memorable experience...

Almost went deaf thanks to PZ...

Overall, it's very fun. LOL. Singing at the wrong time, voice went out of tune suddenly.
AND RIGHT! I didn't know KBox implemented a new system?!?!? When they came in to tell us that this will be our last song. I was like, "aiyah, can still sing a few more songs de."

Sighzzz.. They block the karaoke system after that song. They have become smarter, you see...
The previous times (actually the first time) I went to KBox, we continued to sing till like... (shall not say)

Ok, I shall stop here. BYE!

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