Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hello, here to rant. Don't mind me, just an ignorant little kid who will go crazy if I don't vent this out. And might look at this one day in the future, probably thinking how childish I was... or maybe not.

Just watched the Channel 5 news about the Little India riot. Someone(shall not give names here)said, '...the police was disheartened by the public's criticism ...but thankful for those who gave words of encouragement(? or something that goes like that)'. Oh please, you should have seen the police commissioner's comments on this... the mob was somehow angered by the fact that the police was using shields to protect themselves??

IMO, I totally, absolutely, positively and definitely believe that THE POLICE DAMN! DO DESERVE THIS CRITICISM AND SHOULD REFLECT ON THEM WELL! Alright... at least constructive criticism BUT if you were allow me to describe the police in one word, it will be "USELESS!" I know, I know, this is an example of unconstructive criticism. And yes, I do agree very much. IF I didn't had any encounters with the police, I would probably use a more lenient term like, "ill-prepared? Inexperience?".

BUT NO, 'USELESS' is still my word. Way before the riot incident, my faith in the police has already been diminishing. I've posted about my incident here before but I deleted it since it was not a very pleasant thing to remember. And yet, gosh, I still remember. It has been embedded in my mind, brain, heart and soul, every vital organs since like forever.... (alright, exaggerations).

Ok, this is how it goes. My friend, A and I were at PR Mrt Station, on our way to school. We were kinda late and was jokingly discussing on an excuse to give. The conversation goes like this:

Me (Took a look at her hair which she cut a week ago): Hey, how about we say that you were having a haircut... so we're late. :D

A (jokingly): You're crazy arh! Later I become botak! XD

Me: HAHAHA... Botak! XD

And WHACK! Someone just hit me right in the face with a black bag. I managed to dodge it a little but it hit my right eye and left a little scratch. I looked up at the culprit, thinking that it was an accident. Nope... it wasn't. A man, twice the size of me yelled at me, 'who you calling botak!'. I was shocked and of course, felt indignant. WTFFFFF?!?!? Who the hell would be so free to insult a stranger! And pls, he had plenty of hair (not sure about now...)I wanted to explain but he looked like he was ready to kill... So I took my out my phone, wanting to take a picture of him as he walked into the MRT station but I was quite wary of his abnormal behaviour, didn't managed to in the end. (Hi, I was just 15 years old then and he's as big as a hippopotamus!)

Anyway, the main point is here. I went to the polyclinic with my friend and the reception told me that since I was assaulted, I had to report this to the police first which was nearby (same building). I waited at the station for about half an hour (?), my dad arrived later on, told me that he called the MRT to request for the CCTV tape so that I could identify the man who hit me. However, the MRT person insisted that we will have to go and borrow WITH THE AUTHORITY OF THE POLICE.

Fine... so I reported the accident to the skinny-looking policeman... Sergeant WONG (I forgot the rest of his name) I sat there, staring at his name tag for god knows how long... I told him the man was in his 30s to 40s. Everything was ok until he made the THREE phone calls:
1st call: ...the man is about 30s to 40s
(Somehow, somewhere in my bones, I was expecting this to happen...)

2nd call: ...the man is about 40 years old

(So they say... broken telephone lines)

3rd call: ...the man is 45 years old! (WOW!)

And hoho! He finished the calls, typed in some words and told us, it's done, you can go home now. I was like huh? my dad mentioned to him before that I (My friend too!) was able to recognize the man from the MRT CCTV tape. And he replied, "oh! if you see that man again, call the police..."

Ok, I was pissed, quite pissed. I shot back, to which he had no reply, "so...I'm supposed to catch him, then call the police or bring him here to save you the trouble then." My dad was super pissed, I think he felt very buay song (unsatisfied with that ah wong's attitude). He further emphasised the fact that we can view the CCTV tape, only with the police's authority. Expectedly, it was fallen on deaf ears.

SO yup, this has resulted in my (biased)impression of the police since it does not represent the entire police force. To counter this, I would say... if a minor neighbourhood police watch can't even provide the proper and necessary security to the public, what is there to say about the rest... I mean... that hippopotamus could have attack me with a black knife and not just a black bag, you know! The fact that I was wrongly assaulted for something I have not done is truly agonising for me and that the policeman didn't even bother to lift a finger to help (oh, he did... to type the report).

Another incident was a theft which occurred in my school. Some students' bag were ransacked and thrown across the field. The POLICE suspected that it was an insider's job because they couldn't find any forced entry into the school. They searched the school, kept us up till 2 a.m. and came up with... Nothing! Huala! The next morning, I heard news about some of the students found a hole in the fence. What a joke, isn't it? All those trouble for nothing.

There may be good policemen, I guess... but so far... haven't encounter any. (damn suay) And there are many other ugly stories I heard from friends and relatives about the police. Come on people, if the police was so efficient, there will be more good stories about them instead of people badmouthing them, right? ok, maybe my world is too small so it only consists of all the baddies in the police force. sobz :( I shall try to find dig out more nice ones about them.

And one more thing, to those people countering the complains about the explosion of police car is a waste of taxpayers' money, stating how little of our taxes go into the police car... Sorry la, I feel poor so I am more stingy, not like those wealthy people (not all arh), ten thousand dollars also can burn like paper money. I don't even have a car for my job but the police has, COE is very expensive lei. To me, 10 cents is like 10 dollar to me. T.T

And those guys who got deported back, who didn't have to compensate for the damages. I think the punishment was too easy and too harsh on them at the same time. They are just here for a living but was faced with many unpleasant circumstances. They should have been made to help clear the damages they've caused and, be treated and educated properly. Give them a chance to continue working here or something. I don't know... my opinions based on second hand information are not reliable (thank you, thank you)

Also, if the police was ill-prepared for a riot because it hardly occurred... what about war?... All I have the police now is... TOUGHEN UP YO! GO OVERSEAS FOR TRAINING! I won't mind if taxes are paid for a good cause.

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