Monday, May 19, 2014


Like... oh yeah~ oh yeah~

Stress to the max for the past weeks, was on the verge of sanity.

And now it's finally over... hmmm... but I feel a bit emotionless. :o Probably because the last paper was the one I had the least confident in. Let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst, may the examiner be lenient and let me pass! *Pray to every single God out there even thought I don't think it work that way* lol.

Well, I should probably embark on the long list of things I was preparing to day after being freed.
And it's probably to... CUT MY HAIR. I look like a mop right now, recalling that day when my mum took a glance at my hair and randomly said...
"Girl ah, 等你考完试后, 我们去Malaysia 剪头发,ok?"
Oh, and that day when my mum took the vintage radio out, I wanted to adjust the antenna to source for the frequency. Forgetting that the top part was broken, I pulled the whole thing out. -..-'' I turned to look at my mother, dumbfounded and we both started laughing.

Alright! Time for my well-needed rest. HALLELUJAH!!

#TheWeatherGirls #It'sRainingMen

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