Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Epic Day

Many epic incidents happenning these few days... haha.. Today, I suddenly recalled about this epic conversation wanxin had with Mr Toh (econs teacher). She was asking if she could have consultations with him and she said, "so Mr Toh, WHEN DO YOU WANT TO CONSULT ME??" lol. I was like,"'yeah, consult wx on how to fail econs."

Anyway, JUST YESTERDAY, I was almost late for school cos I mistook bus 359 for 109. -.- And the worst part is that... A junior followed me up the bus. LOL. The bus took a right turn at the next stop, I was shocked. Then I noticed that there's only 2 students from my school on the bus, which are the junior and I. hehe. I told her we took the wrong bus and quickly got off the next stop. We had to sprint to the other bus stop in order to catch the bus. Luckily, somehow the school let us in when we arrived at the side gate and we were safe!


Story of the day:
Jeanna: Hey huiqi! where's your ah beng comb??
ME: What 'ah beng comb"?!??! Mine is "high class comb". From SIA de lei!! or is it some hotel? Anyway, it's still high class.

Picture of my comb (similar to this pic):

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