Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The importance of Chinese

The importance of Chinese... is practically


in context to Singapore, of course. Screw the education system! Why do I have to take exams for mother tongue when it's not going affect or help in my pathetic life anyway?

Once upon a time, my sec school Chinese teacher once said, "The PSLE results for Chinese is not accurate (in judging your standard for Chinese)." Apparently, I got an A for Chinese so yeah, I was freaked out! Oh my! what if I fail Chinese. Anyway, I literally BREEZED through Chinese for the past 10 years of my life! hehe.. ok, just joking... Maybe I did memorise some stuff for the compo and oral but seriously, Chinese wasn't that difficult to score an A, B or C (for me).

Back to the point, I ended up with an A1 for Chinese and got into Ah Lian JC. Then...
My JC Chinese teacher said this again, "The O lvl results for Chinese is not accurate (in judging your standard for Chinese)." (Like seriously, do they teach Chinese teachers to say this to all their student?) It's like soooo 'encouraging', don't you think so? So inferring from this, if I happen to take up Chinese in Uni, the Chinese teachers in Uni are gonna tell me that, "oh... A lvl Chinese is nothing." Oh great, so i just spent 10 years of my life taking 3 major exams (Not including those test, mid-years and prelims) for nothing???

But the thing I wanna complain about is not the eduation system but that tutor of mine. First, she is freaking biased towards the boys (What era are we living in? Can someone tell me?). The boys in my Chinese class would be throwing vulgarities, using their phones throughout the entire lesson and do all sorts of nonsensical stuff but she doesn't give a shit most of the time and instead, she would scold the girls for every minor things like talking once in a millenium(compared to the boys). Secondly, she is not exactly doing her job (she made me lose interest in the subject she's teaching, practically made me loathe it now). If her lessons were productive and interesting, so many people wouldn't have pon her lessons numerous time. And yeah, I don't really like her. I usually get along with all my Chinese teachers but not types like her.

Hoho... Guess what... This morning, my J2 civics tutor announced that everyone must turn up for school tmr cos she wanna give back our A lvl Chinese certs. My heart practically skipped a beat. It made me recalled the moment when I got back the results (a bloody 'D'). I wasn't exactly sad, just a bit disappointed for someone who has never gotten below 'C' for Chinese throughout my 10 years of being educated! At least a 'C' man!! And the worse thing is, this guy in my class who doesn't give a shit about Chinese, been failing since I ever know him or something, copies my Chinese homework most of the time, actually got 'B'. Boom! Another boom just dropped on me, not blaming him but I feel kinda insulted by that 'D'. That feeling is like, "WTH?!?!" I swear I spotted the teacher who gave out the results with a smirk, I think she doesn't really like me and probably very pleased with my results.

Tmr shall be an emo day for me, felt like bad memories of my past reminiscing.
Love my life.♥

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