Tuesday, May 3, 2011

10 Top excuses for being late for school

1. I was at home sleeping, dreaming that i was in school.
2. They're always ringing the bell before I get there.
3. I'm never late, everyone else is early.
4. I just wanted to add some drama to my life.

Teacher: You're late.

Pupil: And you're ugly. Now we've stated the obvious can we get down to business or are we just going to stand here all day?


Pupil: "Sorry Miss, I couldn't find a place to park the car"

"Park the car? You're 13 years old. You don't have a car!"

Pupil: "I never said it was mine"

I have never use any of the above excuses. You can try it and tell me if it works.

Ok, this is what I want to blog about.
Seriously, I do not and never will understand what THE HELL the Vice Principals are thinking when they are punishing latecomers. They wouldn't listen or believe our explanation and always insist that the latecomers woke up late, arrived at the bus-stop late, missed the last bus to school and therefore ended up late. =.= (Screw their brain, I give up trying to state the reason to why I was late.)

Who the hell likes to be late for school? Last Friday, I left house early and reached the bus-stop at 7.05. 3 freaking bus drove past and none of them stopped to let us board. Why? Because all 3 buses were packed with HUMANS such that the doors can't even open. Finally, I was able to board the bus at 7.20 and reached the school gate at 7.35. (Btw, I thought the school gives a grace period of 5minute, 7.30+5minutes = 7.35? "=.=") The worse thing is, THIS NOT THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENED.

Anyway, I was late and made to walk 2km around the tracks for 'self-reflection'. But it was kinda strange... No matter how much I reflect, I can't find anything wrong. One of the VPs asked me, "where do you stay?" I replied, "xxx". "Classic!" was her reply. I swear I could see death gods lurking around her and the word, "Old Stubborn Hag" on top of her.

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