Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I was actually referring to sharks. Anyway, Chinese New Year is here and finally, I got my annual treat of a bowl of shark fin soup. I would normally devour my precious one little bowl to my heart's content but I keep seeing the anti-shark eating campaigns and some over-enthusiasts' comments. -.-

Trying to insinuate that people who eat shark fins, are great sinners and should burn in hell?!?! This is not targeted to those who don't eat sharks in order to ameliorate the declining shark's population problem, but those who thinks it's just plain INHUMANE.

DISCLAIMER: Not trying to imply that we should not reduce our consumption of shark fins, I have reduced my consumption from few times a year to 'per annum' liao. :(

Honestly, I feel that it is really really unfair to dictate what people should eat and not. I don't see Buddhists, Hindus coercing beef-lovers to stop eating beef because cows are sacred to them, Muslims being disgusted by non-Muslims who eat pork (which they deemed as dirty)?

So why do some people go around spreading propaganda about eating dogs and sharks are cruel?? There was once, I chanced upon a facebook post, 'Stop killing sharks, it's inhumane!" to which I replied, "Stop killing chicken. It's inhumane!!" My friend who is more straightforward, would say, that's just plain hypocrisy. IMO, it is not the eating or killing of sharks that is cruel (it's all part of the food chain), it's the overconsumption which drives them to extinction and of course, cutting of their fins and not finishing them off in one go, that is cruel. 要留后路 (leave a back door) for them to reproduce so we can ensure a sustainable consumption, right? Can you imagine if your predator just bit off your limbs and live you hanging there? So people, I have made my standpoint clear! So let's all reduce our consumption of shark fins! Until their population growth stabilised, at least.

And again, don't be mistaken, I love to keep a dog but there are times, I find it plain ludicrous that they can argue that dogs are man's best friend so people who eat them are inhumane and cruel... How would you know if humans are their best friend (dog language? woof!), the dogs could have just see humans as their source of food and shelter. There are cases where dogs actually attack or even eat human, alive or dead. Check this out. I totally agree with the last paragraph.
It is important to remember that love is not a characteristic of dogs. Love is a human characteristic. Dogs are domesticated wild animals who revert to their wild behavior if you are otherwise incapacitated.
I have never tasted dog's meat and probably won't get a chance to. Not sure if I would like the taste but if we could kill and eat animals like chickens, pigs, cows and ducks why not dogs? Everyone has the freedom to eat what they want, given that their rights do not interfere with others (like eating someone's pet o.o). If animal lovers can't bring themselves to eat dogs, then don't. But, please don't make unnecessary and condescending comments about those who do. And instead, you can convert to being a vegetarian then, in order to prove your 'love' for animals. Oh, AND I DEFINITELY DO NOT ADVOCATE ANIMAL CRUELTY. Once, I saw a video of a china woman peeling skin off dogs alive and still struggling. This is what I defined as cruelty!
The investigators found horrors beyond their worst imaginings and concluded, "Conditions on Chinese fur farms make a mockery of the most elementary animal welfare standards. In their lives and their unspeakable deaths, these animals have been denied even the simplest acts of kindness." Read more:

Just stumbled upon another act of cruelty... Skinned for a living versus skinned for satisfaction, which is worse?

Ok, so that's the end of my rant, once again. Just my 2 cents. My intention to record my view on worldly? affairs and look back at this blog when I'm old and probably exclaimed, "oh, what was I thinking back then?" or maybe, "Gosh, what a stubborn little girl am I!". :D

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