Monday, April 14, 2014

A Happy Post for today...

Supposed to be studying... but I'll make this quick.

Just thought that my blog shouldn't be full of angst when I read it in future.

Let's talk about happy things.

First off, I met my secondary school maths teacher. :D Glad that we were able to talk like old friends. HAHA. OLD.

I celebrated two of my friends' birthdays although it was really exhausting and yeap, it would be a lie if I had no complaints.. that's just me. XD

My JC friend will be coming back to Singapore from Germany to meet us. Define 'excited'.

Realised some importance values I should have, earlier before... but that's just the way of growing up, I guess.

I have many plans ahead after my exams!

1. honing my Japanese and Korean language is my priority. (neglecting them way too much)
2. practicing my keyboard? Been collecting many scores but never really played them (not like I can play them well either :P)
3. KTV!!! (I'm gonna ask everyone on that!)

OK, the end. an abrupt ending.

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