Saturday, April 26, 2014

Irony is a cruelty itself.

Just came back from tuition. :D (don't mind the title, just a sudden realisation of something and it looks chim so I put it there, lol)

Made a birthday card for my little tutee since her birthday is coming soon (28 April), and hope she likes it. XD

She and her older sister (also my tutee) are, as usual, arguing over food and stuff but in the end, they do share. HAHA. This sort of makes me wonder how would I have interact with my siblings if I had one. (‘∀’●)♡ I always wanted an older sibling to take care of me, heh. But younger siblings would be cute too, and their innocent acts can really makes you smile or... drive you nuts!

For example, while I was giving tuition to her older sister, she came and sat beside me, to read this book about jokes and riddles. She started asking us riddles so her helper came out to chase her away and told her not to disturb us. XD

Yeap, so she went away to sit on the sofa and moments later, she came back with chunks of scrap papers and passed them to me, discreetly. That little one actually wrote the riddles on the papers (with answers at the back), hahahaha (。´∀`)οΎ‰

So I ended up reading the riddles every now and then, for short breaks.
Here are some of them:

Q. What type of facial hair does a cow have?
A. A mooooo-stache.

Q. What did the chocolate bar say to the pacifier?
A. Hello, sucker!

Q. What do you call a blind deer?
A. No eye-deer (No idea)
Oh and this is a long one.
You're a bus driver.
On the first stop, 10 people get on.
On the second stop, 3 people get off and 1 person gets on.
On the third stop, everyone gets off.
What are the colour of the bus driver's eyes?
A. The same as yours, you ARE the bus driver.

This is like a riddle war.

(just leaving a blank space here because I have no idea how to link the above sentence with the bottom one)

Doodled some stuff during tuition... lol. I shall post the pictures soon after my exams end.

Oh and almost forget, ending the post with a song... and hash tags.

I like the rap, yo.

#Nobody'sfool #AvrilLavigne

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