Saturday, May 10, 2014

Blah day

So, 2 more papers to go and I can go havoc around... MUAHAHAHA!

Recalling that day when I was giving tuition to the older sister and the mei-mei was eating her fried fish and rice. After struggling with her meal for about 10 mins, she finally announced, "I don't want to eat liao. I'll eat the fish and leave the rice alone, ok?"

I replied, "aiyoh! You never eat your rice clean clean, later your future husband will have a lot of pimples." XD

She said, "Why do you still believe in old folktales?"

I stated, as a matter of fact, "At least, it doesn't make me waste food, right?"

And so, she carried on eating...

Few minutes later, she exclaimed, "I'm not eating the fish but I'll eat the rice, ok?"


Then I shouted back, "Huh?!?! Later your husband will smell like fish!"


Anyway, heard this song (actually, only two lines) on OKTO. It used to be called kid central, I'm still young at heart yo.

~ He's my best friend, best of all best friend. Do you have a best friend too? ~

It's nice, the tune sounds quite similar to Tarzan and Jane song.

I was watching the lyric video and the only best friend I could think of was... GUMMY BEAR!
~He's so yummy yummy! lol. sad lonely life.

Anyway, the girl in the official video is trying to keep girls away from her best friend by... shooting arrows at their butt? throwing explosive at them?? cutting their ponytail???

At the end, they fought each other with a lightsaber, turned into two fur balls and danced together.

#ToyBox #BestFriend

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