Wednesday, March 30, 2011


why do you have to do this to me???
T.T WHY?!?!?

Is it becos my class is pathetically small with just mere 11 people?? Even so, this kind of timetable is way too ridiculous!! I think I will just attend the first two period tmr and go home after that.

Please allow me to explain the above. On Thursday, which is tmr, I have to wait for 3 WHOLE BLOODY PERIODS just for ONE (EMPHASISE ONE!!)PE LESSON. For both WED & TUES, (when revision lectures start) THE FIRST 3 PERIODS OF SCHOOL IS LIKE NO LESSONS??? WHY SHOULD I COME SCH SO EARLY FOR???

Btw, if you want us to wait for 3 periods... Could you AT LEAST be kind enough to give us our homeroom for those 3 periods??? We are like some liu lang han wandering ard
oh no.. If I continue ranting on this, I'm gonna get high blood pressure.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Epic Day

Many epic incidents happenning these few days... haha.. Today, I suddenly recalled about this epic conversation wanxin had with Mr Toh (econs teacher). She was asking if she could have consultations with him and she said, "so Mr Toh, WHEN DO YOU WANT TO CONSULT ME??" lol. I was like,"'yeah, consult wx on how to fail econs."

Anyway, JUST YESTERDAY, I was almost late for school cos I mistook bus 359 for 109. -.- And the worst part is that... A junior followed me up the bus. LOL. The bus took a right turn at the next stop, I was shocked. Then I noticed that there's only 2 students from my school on the bus, which are the junior and I. hehe. I told her we took the wrong bus and quickly got off the next stop. We had to sprint to the other bus stop in order to catch the bus. Luckily, somehow the school let us in when we arrived at the side gate and we were safe!


Story of the day:
Jeanna: Hey huiqi! where's your ah beng comb??
ME: What 'ah beng comb"?!??! Mine is "high class comb". From SIA de lei!! or is it some hotel? Anyway, it's still high class.

Picture of my comb (similar to this pic):

Friday, March 25, 2011

Secrets For Sale

Recently, I've been following up on this drama series on Channel U,"拍。卖".
At first, I didn't really think much about this show. Now, I absolutely, definitely, positively thinks that the concept and plot of this show are rather innovative, and like duh!! the actors and actressess in the show are AWESOME! I strongly recommend you guys to watch although there's only 3 more epsiodes left. hehe.

Anyway the storyline goes like this:

....nah... I'm lazy to do a summary. LOL. Just read it from the web. oh no! But it's in chinese. :(
Basically, it is 2 people with a unsolved mystery of their own, coming together and the truth slowly unfolds... During the process, it was quite humorous and then blah blah blah...

I would still like to guess the ending though. I think that Stanley (Thomas Ong) in the show, is most probably the antagonist of the entire storyline. He is probably the mastermind behind (Pang Ling Ling if I'm not wrong) jiamei's and her family disappearance. Like... Jia Mei found out something about Stanley? Stanley probably is the one who used those photos of the extra marital affair to blackmail jiamei's husband or Stanley is secret society (lao da) with Jia Mei's husband working for him?? In another words, HE IS THE BAD GUY! BAD GUY! BAD GUY!

Why do I have this conjectures? Cos I kinda think that Stanley is setting up everything to make jiaqi believe what he wants her to believe (watch and you will know what is it xD). AND AND AND.. ALSO! From my impression, I feel that he is trying to send jiamei away from jiaqi with those thingy about depression? (assumably to be hiding something, maybe?)

Overall, I think this is probably one of the better ones among the other mediacorp's shows (WAWA's production). Most of them are like mostly family or some rich people fighting for even more money kind of shows?? It's like copying HK dramas but not a very (you know...) one.

Here's one of the advertisements for it:

Thursday, March 24, 2011


My previous posts have all been deleted. Thus in order to NOT make my blog look so empty, I shall post about my KBox experience with my Taekwondo friends today.


Quite an memorable experience...

Almost went deaf thanks to PZ...

Overall, it's very fun. LOL. Singing at the wrong time, voice went out of tune suddenly.
AND RIGHT! I didn't know KBox implemented a new system?!?!? When they came in to tell us that this will be our last song. I was like, "aiyah, can still sing a few more songs de."

Sighzzz.. They block the karaoke system after that song. They have become smarter, you see...
The previous times (actually the first time) I went to KBox, we continued to sing till like... (shall not say)

Ok, I shall stop here. BYE!