Monday, May 19, 2014


Like... oh yeah~ oh yeah~

Stress to the max for the past weeks, was on the verge of sanity.

And now it's finally over... hmmm... but I feel a bit emotionless. :o Probably because the last paper was the one I had the least confident in. Let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst, may the examiner be lenient and let me pass! *Pray to every single God out there even thought I don't think it work that way* lol.

Well, I should probably embark on the long list of things I was preparing to day after being freed.
And it's probably to... CUT MY HAIR. I look like a mop right now, recalling that day when my mum took a glance at my hair and randomly said...
"Girl ah, 等你考完试后, 我们去Malaysia 剪头发,ok?"
Oh, and that day when my mum took the vintage radio out, I wanted to adjust the antenna to source for the frequency. Forgetting that the top part was broken, I pulled the whole thing out. -..-'' I turned to look at my mother, dumbfounded and we both started laughing.

Alright! Time for my well-needed rest. HALLELUJAH!!

#TheWeatherGirls #It'sRainingMen

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Last 2 days and I still don't feel prepared enough.

My mum dug out our super old ancient vintage radio today because the current stereo system, or whatever you call that, the antenna wasn't working well.

And HUALA, the vintage radio was still working and wowowowow, the antenna was superb.
Once upon a time, when products were of durability and quality... Now it's like cheap, cheap and CHEAP. Not a bad thing either but it's not really environmental-friendly eh?

#KellyClarkson #CatchMyBreath

Thursday, May 15, 2014


3 days, 10 and half an hour to be exact.

Hope that I'll be able to complete the paper in time unlike Stats 1... T.T
Wasted my time drawing to perfection, me and my OCD.


#Starship #Nothing'sGonnaStopUsNow #OldSchoolRocks

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Blah day

So, 2 more papers to go and I can go havoc around... MUAHAHAHA!

Recalling that day when I was giving tuition to the older sister and the mei-mei was eating her fried fish and rice. After struggling with her meal for about 10 mins, she finally announced, "I don't want to eat liao. I'll eat the fish and leave the rice alone, ok?"

I replied, "aiyoh! You never eat your rice clean clean, later your future husband will have a lot of pimples." XD

She said, "Why do you still believe in old folktales?"

I stated, as a matter of fact, "At least, it doesn't make me waste food, right?"

And so, she carried on eating...

Few minutes later, she exclaimed, "I'm not eating the fish but I'll eat the rice, ok?"


Then I shouted back, "Huh?!?! Later your husband will smell like fish!"


Anyway, heard this song (actually, only two lines) on OKTO. It used to be called kid central, I'm still young at heart yo.

~ He's my best friend, best of all best friend. Do you have a best friend too? ~

It's nice, the tune sounds quite similar to Tarzan and Jane song.

I was watching the lyric video and the only best friend I could think of was... GUMMY BEAR!
~He's so yummy yummy! lol. sad lonely life.

Anyway, the girl in the official video is trying to keep girls away from her best friend by... shooting arrows at their butt? throwing explosive at them?? cutting their ponytail???

At the end, they fought each other with a lightsaber, turned into two fur balls and danced together.

#ToyBox #BestFriend

Friday, May 2, 2014

May the knowledge and common sense be with you!

I had my first paper today, Intro to Economics... which doesn't seem to be only an INTRO.
My answer seems logical and I also managed to finish the questions. But, the answers can be so subjective! What's more, they don't allow us to bring the question paper back. :( I was hesitating between question 1 and 2 but I went with 2 in the end. Now, I'm regretting if I should have done question 1 instead, probably stand a higher chance (was able to do the first part and the second part seems ok too). Then again, I may not be sure of my answers too and I can't recall what's question 1 about.

I know, I know, no point crying over spilt milk...


same old quote: EASIER SAID THAN DONE. >.<

I think it's like some women's nature to overthink? I tend to do that at the extreme end that but I'll forget about it soon, like real soon, just not now. LOL.

Anyway, I should probably study for my upcoming exams instead. At least, I still have a chance to do well.


#TaylorSwift #TheMomentIKnew