Monday, October 3, 2011


I read this on one of my friend's friend's page. I absolutely abhor stories like this plus I'm in a bad mood so yes, this is just my point of view...

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the cups! The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

The rule is simple to understand. But to practice the rule is difficult, for greed is human's greatest weakness. A bottomless pit, greed intensifies with our achievements. Only the truly wise can escape from it. Many understand that grades should not be a measure of their self-worth but are disappointed when they don't get good grades. I hate to admit it but I am one of them. There's an inner fear that you don't measure up. Grades don't matter beyond getting our first job, so why should we care so much? Human can be so irrational!

I think this is... utter bullshit. Although I do agree on some point but to me, people who say things like that are really some motherf**kinghypocrites. Yes, it's right that grades don't matter beyond getting our first job because... so let's see.. our first job... road sweeper/toilet cleaner/construction workers/domestic workers?? I don't mean any offence to these occupations, these jobs do play an important role in the society. The only difference they have, is that they don't require INVESTMENT. Education is a form of investment, you invest in yourself for getting a good education and huaaallaaa, the result = higher chance of getting a better paid job. See the difference? You reap what you sow. Alright, maybe there're some happy-go-lucky kid who didn't recieve much education and yet, able to establish their own company and become some rich ass. Yeap, you can wait patiently for your time to come and wait long long... for how often do this happen to everyone?

Many understand that grades should not be a measure of their self-worth but are disappointed when they don't get good grades.

What kind of logic is this?

A good grade doesn't determine your self-worth, it determines how much hard work you put in. If you study hard for it, don't you expect to get good results in return? If you don't attain the results you expected, isn't it human nature to be disappointed?
Or you're going to say, "it's ok, I tried my best. Maybe I'm better at doing something else.(Like what? Sweep the floor?)"??? People are striving for good grades because it's the fastest and most straightforward way to find their self-worth. Sadly, this is life so face it and stop living in self-denial!

Only the truly wise can escape from it.

Another load of crap. The only truly wise ones are the monks, nuns and Gods then. They don't hunger or strive for anything, they just sit, eat, pray, meditate and wait for their time to come. Isn't that nice? I would wish for that too (except for shaving my head bald). if everyone thinks that way, we would still be living in stone/bronze age or whatever. Don't use phones, computers, televisions and all sort of technologies since we created that due to our "greed". These people are such hypocrites because they are satisfied with their 'good life' so they expect other people to be the same as them or they couldn't catch up so they want people to slow down for them. So yeah, please tell those poor starving African kids to be contented with meagre amount of food barely enough to keep them alive. Or they can survive with just eating insects or something as long as it keeps them alive (what matter's is the coffee, isn't it?) So why should we make a big hooha over them??

Those so called 'inspirational' videos played frequently in school introduce those successful people as someone 'extraodinary' and how much 'hard work' they put in despite their lack of talent. This is like some sort of pyschology treatment (similar to certain religion), as long as you keep trying, you will succeed one day. SO WHY DON'T THEY TELL THIS TO GAMBLERS? As long as they keep betting, they will win the jackpot one day, isn't that right? Or maybe drug addicts?? :D:D As long as they keep taking drugs, they will be immune to it one day and kiss their ass goodbye to the world. Moral of story: If you can do it, just do it. If you can't, face it because you just can't. Even if you can after trying zillion of times, HOW MUCH FREAKING TIME HAVE YOU WASTED?

For those people who think we should be contented what we have, they should also realise that it's because we're not contented so things like iphones, macbook are popping out. This should only apply to people like the 'slug' who whines about every single thing. Similarly, why are people making a big fuss over eating dog meat? I don't see people going on strike against eating chickens, ducks, pigs. They may be nice pets if you give them a chance. (LOL) Let the world turn vegetarian, man! Oh wait, vegetables have lives too!! Great... let's all survive on air and water. What if the water is alive too? O.O Omg!! Air???

You want to have a better life, work for it. "Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee." Vice versa, the coffee itself adds no quality to the cup. Who are you to deem which is my life? It's normal for humans to have frustrations, I don't see why complaining can be seen as not being contented. If you want to have a contented life, just shut up (be a monk, seek enlightenment) and listen to the ones complaining about having a better life. It varies from people to people. To those 'contented' people, don't you feel stupid when you're enjoying other's fruit of labour while complaining that they shouldn't have invented this in the first place.

Ahhh... I feel so much better letting it out~~

Happy me - Taeyeon

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The importance of Chinese

The importance of Chinese... is practically


in context to Singapore, of course. Screw the education system! Why do I have to take exams for mother tongue when it's not going affect or help in my pathetic life anyway?

Once upon a time, my sec school Chinese teacher once said, "The PSLE results for Chinese is not accurate (in judging your standard for Chinese)." Apparently, I got an A for Chinese so yeah, I was freaked out! Oh my! what if I fail Chinese. Anyway, I literally BREEZED through Chinese for the past 10 years of my life! hehe.. ok, just joking... Maybe I did memorise some stuff for the compo and oral but seriously, Chinese wasn't that difficult to score an A, B or C (for me).

Back to the point, I ended up with an A1 for Chinese and got into Ah Lian JC. Then...
My JC Chinese teacher said this again, "The O lvl results for Chinese is not accurate (in judging your standard for Chinese)." (Like seriously, do they teach Chinese teachers to say this to all their student?) It's like soooo 'encouraging', don't you think so? So inferring from this, if I happen to take up Chinese in Uni, the Chinese teachers in Uni are gonna tell me that, "oh... A lvl Chinese is nothing." Oh great, so i just spent 10 years of my life taking 3 major exams (Not including those test, mid-years and prelims) for nothing???

But the thing I wanna complain about is not the eduation system but that tutor of mine. First, she is freaking biased towards the boys (What era are we living in? Can someone tell me?). The boys in my Chinese class would be throwing vulgarities, using their phones throughout the entire lesson and do all sorts of nonsensical stuff but she doesn't give a shit most of the time and instead, she would scold the girls for every minor things like talking once in a millenium(compared to the boys). Secondly, she is not exactly doing her job (she made me lose interest in the subject she's teaching, practically made me loathe it now). If her lessons were productive and interesting, so many people wouldn't have pon her lessons numerous time. And yeah, I don't really like her. I usually get along with all my Chinese teachers but not types like her.

Hoho... Guess what... This morning, my J2 civics tutor announced that everyone must turn up for school tmr cos she wanna give back our A lvl Chinese certs. My heart practically skipped a beat. It made me recalled the moment when I got back the results (a bloody 'D'). I wasn't exactly sad, just a bit disappointed for someone who has never gotten below 'C' for Chinese throughout my 10 years of being educated! At least a 'C' man!! And the worse thing is, this guy in my class who doesn't give a shit about Chinese, been failing since I ever know him or something, copies my Chinese homework most of the time, actually got 'B'. Boom! Another boom just dropped on me, not blaming him but I feel kinda insulted by that 'D'. That feeling is like, "WTH?!?!" I swear I spotted the teacher who gave out the results with a smirk, I think she doesn't really like me and probably very pleased with my results.

Tmr shall be an emo day for me, felt like bad memories of my past reminiscing.
Love my life.♥

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

10 Top excuses for being late for school

1. I was at home sleeping, dreaming that i was in school.
2. They're always ringing the bell before I get there.
3. I'm never late, everyone else is early.
4. I just wanted to add some drama to my life.

Teacher: You're late.

Pupil: And you're ugly. Now we've stated the obvious can we get down to business or are we just going to stand here all day?


Pupil: "Sorry Miss, I couldn't find a place to park the car"

"Park the car? You're 13 years old. You don't have a car!"

Pupil: "I never said it was mine"

I have never use any of the above excuses. You can try it and tell me if it works.

Ok, this is what I want to blog about.
Seriously, I do not and never will understand what THE HELL the Vice Principals are thinking when they are punishing latecomers. They wouldn't listen or believe our explanation and always insist that the latecomers woke up late, arrived at the bus-stop late, missed the last bus to school and therefore ended up late. =.= (Screw their brain, I give up trying to state the reason to why I was late.)

Who the hell likes to be late for school? Last Friday, I left house early and reached the bus-stop at 7.05. 3 freaking bus drove past and none of them stopped to let us board. Why? Because all 3 buses were packed with HUMANS such that the doors can't even open. Finally, I was able to board the bus at 7.20 and reached the school gate at 7.35. (Btw, I thought the school gives a grace period of 5minute, 7.30+5minutes = 7.35? "=.=") The worse thing is, THIS NOT THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENED.

Anyway, I was late and made to walk 2km around the tracks for 'self-reflection'. But it was kinda strange... No matter how much I reflect, I can't find anything wrong. One of the VPs asked me, "where do you stay?" I replied, "xxx". "Classic!" was her reply. I swear I could see death gods lurking around her and the word, "Old Stubborn Hag" on top of her.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Yes, I was enjoying the cosiness in my bed when my mum suddenly exclaimed, "AH GIRL! OBAMA IS DEAD! EH? SORRY, I MEAN OSAMA!"

hmm, my reaction?

oh.. he's dead. Rest In Peace, dude. Don't terrorise the underworld too!

So many people in the world are rejoicing over his death. Woohoo! I'm not saying it's a bad thing.. imagining the amount of damage he had caused when he was alive.. On the second thought, isn't his son still alive?? O.O So is the existence of Al Qaeda. Oh great...

The son seeing the people laughing over his father's death, would definitely add to his anger. He may be provoked to plan more attacks and bomb us to hell. OH NO! *RUNNING FRANTICALLY AROUND THE ROOM*

So what now?
It's ok. 2012 is coming anyway. :D

ohoh btw! LOOK AT THIS!!! English version of Mr.Taxi.

Friday, April 22, 2011 has become one of my top favourite websites. Sighz.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to react to an awkward comment.

Comments can be constructive or senseless but worst is, people normally make senseless ones. Sometimes, they can just keep going on and on, and all I want to do is cut their tongue off. -.-

Anyway, here are some cases...

Case 1(definitely constructive xP):
Wah, you look so pretty today lei!
No la! You're prettier.

Case 2 (senseless):
Omg! This question so easy! You don't know how to do??
ok.. My ability to percieve is not as good as yours. Apparently, your grammar isn't that good either. *smiles* So, how do you do this question?

Come on.. Be humble, man! Learn from your mistakes.

Friend/Foe(thinks she/he's damn good):
Omg! How stupid can you be?? You look like an idiot! Your bag is so ugly! You're such an embarrassment!
>.> *stares* So? Why the **** do you even give a damn? It's my bag?!?! So, what do you want me to do to my bag? Throw away? Who gives you the right to even comment on my things? You're a renowned bag designer? -.- Stop making pointless comments which doesn't benefit anybody. (Actually, most of the time, I would choose to keep quiet or reply with a 'ok')

Why bother about douchebags who criticize people's intelligence when they don't even look at themselves in the first place. If you want to comment on someone's mistakes, you should kindly provide information exactly on what is the mistake and how to improve?

Just a bit off point, I wanna rant about CCAs being compulsory. GOSH! JC life can seriously make someone go bald (esp if you get into my JC. -.-) I regretted choosing this path, (wrong JC, wrong class, wrong friends). I SHOULD HAVE JUST GONE TO POLY! It's more suitable for me. :D

Sunday, April 17, 2011

SNSD has a new song! Mr. Taxi. Sunny's voice sounds nice in this song (so does taeyeon's). :D I hope she's feeling better after the 'dragging' incident. Some mad man tried to 'elope' with her off the stage. -.- crazy fan.

Here's a short part of their new song:

Monday, April 11, 2011


Today, I was almost late for school laterally. This was the second time I kena 'sabo' by the kind-hearted 'kns' bus driver and it was the exact same bloody bus 81. I realised why people prefer to have their own means of transport.

WTF IS HIS PROB?!? No one pressed the bus-stop button, he could have jolly well drive past that stop AND GET ME TO SCHOOL ON TIME. The bus stopped there, waiting senselessly for some ghost passengers to board and exit the bus. The buses were obviously late, so many people crammed into the bus that I had to wait 10mins more than usual to board ONE pathetic bus.

Worst of all, when the bus reached the school side gate (within the bus zone thing), the "considerate and good-hearted" bus driver REFUSED TO OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR! You see, I was standing right at the exit door and I was so pissed that I wanted to just kick the door open and run for my life before those Student Councilors close the gate to hell. ohoh! There was even a drawing of o0o on the door (which describes my exact feeling).

To some extent of reasoning, it is quite obvious that this (lao ah pek) bus driver is suffering from MENTAL RETARDATION. I'm not biased against "lao ah peks" (old uncles) but seriously and unfortunately, most of the 'lao ah peks' I met IRKS ME TO THE MAX especially TAXI DRIVERS. They have the worst service attitudes! Those educated ones will preach to you about their "once" noble lives. Those uneducated ones will peer at you like some "chee koh pek" (LECHER) and attempt to drive the longest way possible to your destination in order to make you pay more. -.-

Here's two incidents I encountered.
Incident 1:
It was raining heavily so my friend and I took a cab home together.
My friend: Uncle, XXX place. xie xie. (thank you).

*I got in after that, heard the taxi driver lecturing my friend*

Driver: Don't think that all taxi drivers are not educated one! I know english too, ok? I studied "this and that" before. I'm english-educated.. blah blah blah...

*My friend and I looked at each other. ?!?! ignores him while he continue to preach...

What's wrong with speaking chinese??? So what he's trying to say is that people who speak chinese are uneducated??? kns.

Incident 2:
My 3 friends and I hailed a cab to Katong Swimming Complex.
We: Uncle. Katong Swimming Complex, thanks.
Driver: Where's that place? How to go??
My friend: err, i think it's at xxx road.
Me: I thought it's yy road?

In the end, we decided to try xxx road and it turned out to be wrong. ok, so we went to yy road and dropped off. The taxi driver has been complaining about us since the moment we got into his cab, saying stuff like 'don't know how to go then anyhow say, make me drive around.' and 'last time people used to be this and that.'

Like hello? I don't give a shit what happened in the past, this is the present. Who the hell wants to know what puny contributions you did for Singapore. There are more who achieved greater things. Who's the taxi driver here btw? We don't hire your cab for nothing.

ok fine. Must respect the elderly... so we just kept quiet. THE WORST THING IS THAT, JUST BEFORE WE GOT OFF THE CAB. HE SAID, "So unlucky to get customers like you all."

KNS LAH! He should be lucky that "Lao Niang" wants to sit his cab la. He should be contented that we enlightened him with a new place. In case, other passengers of his (I doubt any) would like to hire his cab to go there, he will be able to get them there.

Therefore, moral of the story: I HATE PUBLIC TRANSPORT.

Friday, April 8, 2011


yesyes.. PW results are out today, I got an A.


the...the...SLUG GOT AN A?!?!?!

HOW IN HEAVEN'S SAKE SHE GOT AN A??? WHY?? YOU KNOW WHY? I bet it's thanks to Marcus' almost perfect (nothing is perfect) Written Report which she didn't even contribute a single shit to, except whining.

There's only 3 words to describe her: KANASAI! KANASAI! KANASAI!

She says that we always give her 'baby' work to do. I mean wtf??? "if you can handle "non-baby" work, we would gladly let you do it (like we love to do). But the problem is you can't even do a proper tabulation of the survey results." Even the only work she manage to accomplish, Marcus have to help her with it by giving her a template to follow. She can't do anything properly. And yet, she can be so shameless as to criticize other's work and even find excuse for your own 'noobness' and laziness???




Thursday, April 7, 2011


Well.. Today I visited this particular blog. Not to be mean but I kinda LOLed at her posts. She seems to have suffered from mild mental disorder and it's getting worse. Every single post of hers is either about her "emo-ingness" or her rantings about people who are trying to bring her down??(I suspect they are not even bothered with that?)

"Yesterday was a really emotional day."
Err.. excuse me? Every single day is emotional to her.

Take a look at this.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder : persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolation, or hopelessness, loss of interest in sexual activity (LOL), hallucinations (definitely, she thinks people are trying to harm her O.O)
Suffering from bipolar disorder? Probably.
An example of bipolar disorder:

First post saying I'm not gonna let you bring me down!(Determined)
Second post says "when am I gonna get out of this? *cries*" (Weak and tired..ohh...)
Third post again... I will never be the past me again. *stares* ( SO DETERMINED)
Fourth post : the cycle repeats... (you know... she starts to blog in poetic form)

Oh no... *palm-faced* I mean I have no (actually I do) comment on her blog entries. But if you're gonna let your readers see the same post over and over again. EPIC FAIL neh! What's the use of blogging? This just makes me feel like she's acting pitiful to gain sympathy. (and a bit mental sick)
Her blog pictures are screwed too.

Gosh.. I have to face her in school tmr. (Yes, I DO NOT LIKE HER!)
You should definitely (NOT) take a look at HER LOVELY EMO BLOG.

Oh!oh! I almost forgot. While sourcing for my blogskin, I chanced upon this absolutely perfect blogskin for her. Such conincidence that there's someone out there in the world that is EXACTLY LIKE HER!!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

Have you heard of this story? I don't mean to sound pessimistic but have anyone wondered what if the hot water used to cook coffee bean is contaminated with whatever sh*t?

The coffee may blend in with the water to produce a nice aromatic but poisonous coffee that cause stomachache to whoever drank it. The water may look shallow but it is actually deep in depth. What is seen on the outside may not represent the inside.

If that's the case, will you choose to be a coffee bean?


This is my favourite hangout for a nice game of bridge.

As you can see from above, this is how I normally play my bridge with my accomplice. LOL. This is tutorial on how to play the game, "bridge". -> TUTORIAL. My friend and I will reveal whoever is the chosen partner of the game (which is not supposed to). and YES! IT'S DEFINITELY cheating...


Come on! There are times when we did lose mah... Anyway, let's get to the main point. Once upon a time... we were playing... the trump card was heart. We both knew that we were partners and were discussing on what cards to play over our secret msn conversation. Our trump cards were equally bad. HOWEVER! miraculously, we won because we still had some trump cards left. AND BECAUSE! the bidder's partner didn't put out his trump for the bidder to suck our trumps.

Apparently, after the game, the bidder (SORE LOSER) started scolding his partner for that particular match. Words like: "idiot! noob! ****!(nah, not this)" came flying out. They both started arguing and cursing each other... -.- (boys..) But then again, I feel that the bidder is also at fault. Even he had suck our trumps out, our non-trumps cards are still bigger than his. WHAT'S MORE, IT IS JUST A GAME?! He was bragging that whoever he partners, never lose a match before. (dots.)

The funniest thing is that my friend and I left after the next match and he opened a new room with the title, "Min 4 (no crybaby)." My first thought was, "Wth is wrong with him? Look who's speaking. He's the one crying like some mad ass underdog and he could even be so audacious to say that!"

I mean it is inevitable to get irritated with noobs when they are the cause of your defeat but haven't you been a greenhorn too?
sighz... this is probably human nature...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


why do you have to do this to me???
T.T WHY?!?!?

Is it becos my class is pathetically small with just mere 11 people?? Even so, this kind of timetable is way too ridiculous!! I think I will just attend the first two period tmr and go home after that.

Please allow me to explain the above. On Thursday, which is tmr, I have to wait for 3 WHOLE BLOODY PERIODS just for ONE (EMPHASISE ONE!!)PE LESSON. For both WED & TUES, (when revision lectures start) THE FIRST 3 PERIODS OF SCHOOL IS LIKE NO LESSONS??? WHY SHOULD I COME SCH SO EARLY FOR???

Btw, if you want us to wait for 3 periods... Could you AT LEAST be kind enough to give us our homeroom for those 3 periods??? We are like some liu lang han wandering ard
oh no.. If I continue ranting on this, I'm gonna get high blood pressure.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Epic Day

Many epic incidents happenning these few days... haha.. Today, I suddenly recalled about this epic conversation wanxin had with Mr Toh (econs teacher). She was asking if she could have consultations with him and she said, "so Mr Toh, WHEN DO YOU WANT TO CONSULT ME??" lol. I was like,"'yeah, consult wx on how to fail econs."

Anyway, JUST YESTERDAY, I was almost late for school cos I mistook bus 359 for 109. -.- And the worst part is that... A junior followed me up the bus. LOL. The bus took a right turn at the next stop, I was shocked. Then I noticed that there's only 2 students from my school on the bus, which are the junior and I. hehe. I told her we took the wrong bus and quickly got off the next stop. We had to sprint to the other bus stop in order to catch the bus. Luckily, somehow the school let us in when we arrived at the side gate and we were safe!


Story of the day:
Jeanna: Hey huiqi! where's your ah beng comb??
ME: What 'ah beng comb"?!??! Mine is "high class comb". From SIA de lei!! or is it some hotel? Anyway, it's still high class.

Picture of my comb (similar to this pic):

Friday, March 25, 2011

Secrets For Sale

Recently, I've been following up on this drama series on Channel U,"拍。卖".
At first, I didn't really think much about this show. Now, I absolutely, definitely, positively thinks that the concept and plot of this show are rather innovative, and like duh!! the actors and actressess in the show are AWESOME! I strongly recommend you guys to watch although there's only 3 more epsiodes left. hehe.

Anyway the storyline goes like this:

....nah... I'm lazy to do a summary. LOL. Just read it from the web. oh no! But it's in chinese. :(
Basically, it is 2 people with a unsolved mystery of their own, coming together and the truth slowly unfolds... During the process, it was quite humorous and then blah blah blah...

I would still like to guess the ending though. I think that Stanley (Thomas Ong) in the show, is most probably the antagonist of the entire storyline. He is probably the mastermind behind (Pang Ling Ling if I'm not wrong) jiamei's and her family disappearance. Like... Jia Mei found out something about Stanley? Stanley probably is the one who used those photos of the extra marital affair to blackmail jiamei's husband or Stanley is secret society (lao da) with Jia Mei's husband working for him?? In another words, HE IS THE BAD GUY! BAD GUY! BAD GUY!

Why do I have this conjectures? Cos I kinda think that Stanley is setting up everything to make jiaqi believe what he wants her to believe (watch and you will know what is it xD). AND AND AND.. ALSO! From my impression, I feel that he is trying to send jiamei away from jiaqi with those thingy about depression? (assumably to be hiding something, maybe?)

Overall, I think this is probably one of the better ones among the other mediacorp's shows (WAWA's production). Most of them are like mostly family or some rich people fighting for even more money kind of shows?? It's like copying HK dramas but not a very (you know...) one.

Here's one of the advertisements for it:

Thursday, March 24, 2011


My previous posts have all been deleted. Thus in order to NOT make my blog look so empty, I shall post about my KBox experience with my Taekwondo friends today.


Quite an memorable experience...

Almost went deaf thanks to PZ...

Overall, it's very fun. LOL. Singing at the wrong time, voice went out of tune suddenly.
AND RIGHT! I didn't know KBox implemented a new system?!?!? When they came in to tell us that this will be our last song. I was like, "aiyah, can still sing a few more songs de."

Sighzzz.. They block the karaoke system after that song. They have become smarter, you see...
The previous times (actually the first time) I went to KBox, we continued to sing till like... (shall not say)

Ok, I shall stop here. BYE!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hey, I'm back! Just bored. Came to post some sentences and delete some UNWANTED ones, even though I think no one will ever notice I came back to post. LOL. ok bye!